LOKO KENNELS would like to thank everyone for everything. Everybody who bought pups, bred to Red, hunted dogs for us, ect. We haven't been in it that long, but we have met some real nice people and have had some great success along the way.  From the first of November to the end of February, we gun hunt. All the young dogs you see we have get rabbits killed in front of them and we are not talking about 3 or 4 a year, we are talking 100 to 150 a year. We gun hunt every saturday and usually take vacation for a week or two just to gun hunt. WE LOVE IT. The way we look at it, if we take dogs that can run and jump rabbits all winter long, and then competition hunt them and win that's a bonus in itself. If you have met us, then you know we don't get in the briars.... that's what the dogs are for.   As most everyone knows us and about our kennel,knows GRCH GRHBCH Milam's Loko Go Red is the backbone of our kennel. He was 16 weeks old when I bought him from a good friend who gun hunts super hard. I started hunting him almost immediatly with another female I own called Milam's Loko Go Blondie. He started quick and learned fast.I started running him by himself alot making him do it on his own. When he turned 1 year old I entered him in his and my first UKC trial. He won it. I was hooked,the next weekend was the WV State Championship he won 4th.The following weekend he won 5th,then a week later, another first. In 4 hunts he was a Hunting Beagle Champion. Then I just kept running him and waiting on gun season.That's when Gerald & I started hunting together, We started going to the trials after gun season. Gerald finished Red to a GRCH GRHBCH that next year. As a reproducer Red has sired alot of super nice pups,that are gun hunt and trialed, from the West Virginia hills to Ohio, Kentucky, Missouri, Vermont, Virginia, Pa ,Delaware, North and South Carolinia, Washington, New Mexico, Florida and alot of places in between. As of March 2010 Red was 2nd place all time reproducing male in UKC. Look at some of the Champion Red has produced. So if you are looking for a nice pup or wanting to breed to a nice stud dog give us a call.Red produces hard hunting,run to catch style dogs.